A collection of Silly Poems for Silly Kids.

What happens when a restaurant owner refuses to serve a clown because of his crazy red hair and floppy clown shoes?
‘No Clowns Allowed’ shows the importance of speaking up and how one little voice can make a big difference.

Other poems in the collection contain lovable characters like the little guy who works hard and becomes a basketball star, the girl who only wants to wear polka dots, one that is tempted by a cupcake, and one that takes ice cream eating to a whole new level. Her ice cream-eating skills are giving me the chills!

Join in the fun and do a silly dance when your reading time is done!

Written by Maggie Keefe, drawings by Vaughan Duck.
Text and drawings copyright ©2022 Margaret Keefe.

Available online at Amazon AU, Barnes and Noble

Book Details
FormatPagesDimensions (w x h)ISBN
Hardback28158 x 234 mm9798986487212
Paperback28152 x 230 mm9798986487205